
Cidilabs Banner Refresh Project
Create a Document for hrConnectum (Business Proposals)
E-book design
Opportunità creativa: cercasi designer per la creazione di presentazioni per prodotti innovativi
Informational Booklet For Exciting T-Shirt Company
Mass Flyer for Coffee Company targeting office blocks
Postcard Insert for Direct Mail Gift
Folleto de odontología
RBE Leaflet
Reto packaging flexible sostenible
Midwestern Furniture Store in-store poster
Dog training and day boarding price list


Comencé como Diseñador Gráfico desde hace 10 años, soy Técnico y Licenciado en Diseño Gráfico con una especialidad en Estrategias de Diseño Gráfico para Marketing Digital, he trabajado en la Agencia Apex BBDO y en la Agencia MNG de El Salvador, actualmente me desempeño laboralmente en La Prensa Gráfica, también del mismo país.

Espero una oportunidad para que pueda llevar a usted mi trabajo.

Member since: July 05, 2018


"Good designer, innovative on capturing theme shapes, patient with new 99d user."
Anonymous client reviewed about 10 hours ago
"Amazing design, and so easy to work with. We're grateful to have access to someone with Hector's talents."
Profile pictureJacqueline.claudia reviewed about 2 months ago
"Love the artwork. Really great job and quick turnaround."
Profile pictureleab8 reviewed about 2 months ago
"Always great to work with. Fast turnaround and the graphics look highly professional!"
Profile pictureCohen Barnes reviewed 2 months ago
"Another great design project with Héctor Ovidio Miranda. His work continues to be creative, technically smart, and fast. Will be back again! Thanks again."
Anonymous client reviewed 3 months ago