Client needed a design for the front and back cover of a magazine.
The size needs to be this size: 207x270+5mm and needs to be designed in Photoshop.
Followed all the instructions given by the client and made it simple, light which is matching from the content inside of the magazine and also keeps in mind about fonts.
Also, used new images to depict the motto of "Simple Changes for LIFE" on the back cover so that back cover doesn't look too empty.
Client did mentioned that they do not want to show images related to yoga/medidation so used particle body image to have a body look like a free soul/body.
The idea of using a mind and body images is if we have all these 8 elements we will becoming a healthy happy mind and body.
So in this it doesn't show any particular yoga/dietitian/doctor or anything like that but only showcase the motive of the magazine which is healing and wellness.